Nursing education in Belmont Abbey College is renowned for its commitment to excellence in education. With a curriculum designed to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century healthcare environment, the college offers a comprehensive nursing program that is accredited by the North Carolina Board of Nursing. Established in 1876 by the Benedictine monks, the college is noted for its commitment to the highest quality of academic and professional standards. The nursing program at Belmont Abbey College provides academic preparation for a successful career as a Registered Nurse (RN). The program offers courses in anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, and pharmacology. Additionally, the curriculum introduces students to clinical experiences through courses such as adult health, pediatric nursing, gerontology, and mental health. Students also develop leadership and communication skills to ensure patient safety and satisfaction. The unique advantage of the nursing education at Belmont Abbey College includes the availability of mentoring and hands-on learning opportunities. Through these invaluable experiences, students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe and effective nursing care. Faculty and staff actively support students in maintaining their nursing practice, providing guidance and resources to ensure achievement of the best possible outcomes. The college proudly boasts an impressive number of alumni who have gone on to achieve success in the field of nursing. In addition, the college’s location in the Charlotte metropolitan area allows students access to a variety of healthcare facilities and organizations. With a robust infrastructure in place, students can gain valuable experience and learn from top professionals. Nursing education at Belmont Abbey College helps students reach their goals and discover the rewards of a career in healthcare. By providing a dedicated faculty and staff, an excellent curriculum, and access to resources and mentors, the college is setting a new standard for nursing education.