Cass Career Center

Cass Career Center Cass Career Center offers a variety of career-oriented nursing programs that provide students with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the healthcare profession.

  • Missouri in  missouri 1600 E Elm

Cass Career Center


Nursing education is an important part of healthcare and the Cass Career Center provides a quality learning environment for students. The Cass Career Center has been providing quality nursing education for almost 90 years. With a thriving community of certified nursing aids, registered nurses, and nurse practitioners, the school offers a range of courses and programs that equip students with the knowledge and skills to be successful in their field. At the Cass Career Center, students have access to a variety of innovative educational options that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Students can learn about different medical concepts and the latest technologies used to assist in patient care. In addition, they can also gain hands-on experience through clinical rotations. Faculty members are available to provide one-on-one instruction and guidance and help students reach their full potential. The faculty's commitment to excellence ensures that students gain an in-depth understanding of the material and graduate with the confidence to apply their newfound skills to real-world situations. The faculty at the Cass Career Center takes pride in offering students the best possible education. Students benefit from small class sizes, allowing for more personalized instruction. They also receive instruction from dedicated professionals who are eager to provide them with the best opportunities for advancement. Beyond the classroom, the school provides students with access to a comprehensive library, laboratory facilities, and up-to-date equipment for the students to practice their skills. At the Cass Career Center, students not only gain valuable skills, but they also form lifelong relationships with their peers and faculty. They also become part of a global network of healthcare professionals to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients. With its commitment to excellence, the Cass Career Center strives to provide students with an impressive education that prepares them for success in their nursing field.