Metropolitan State University

Metropolitan State University Metropolitan State University offers an excellent nursing program that provides students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the nursing field.

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Metropolitan State University


Metropolitan State University offers high quality nursing education to all its students. Metropolitan State's Nursing Program mission is to provide an exceptional, professional nursing education that enables students to become competent practitioners, engaging learners, and active educators in their communities. The program emphasizes an appreciation of cultural diversity; ethical values; critical thinking; evidence-based decision making; life-long learning; personal communication; and professional growth. Metropolitan State provides professionally-oriented approaches to nursing practice, educational and technological advances, and collaboration with health care providers. The faculty and staff are committed to the highest standards of nursing practice. Students receive clinical experiences in a variety of settings so they gain experience in providing quality nursing care. In addition to coursework and clinical practicums, Metropolitan State also offers extra-curricular activities related to nursing education. These activities include field trips, guest lectures, social events, and conferences. It also offers the opportunity to participate in research projects with faculty and students. Furthermore, students have access to networking opportunities to build relationships with peers, faculty, and healthcare professionals. The nursing department at Metropolitan State also offers an online RN to BSN program for working RNs. The program prepares nurses for hospital and community settings, promotes evidence based practice, and develops leadership skills. This program provides flexible learning options, including on-campus, hybrid, and fully online classes, combined with simulated and clinical experiences to ensure well-rounded learning. At the end of their education, Metropolitan State nursing students will receive a professional diploma and recognition as a professional nurse. With Metropolitan State's strong reputation for high quality nursing education, graduates can look forward to a rewarding career in their chosen field.